GrEen NetworkIng And cLoud computing
Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree in GENIAL (GrEen NetworkIng And cLoud computing) is a unique international Masters course that envisions cleaner networking and computing technologies, leading to sustainability in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). It aims at showing that economic growth and environmental concerns are not at odds with one another and that an inclusive approach is achievable. GENIAL will train future generations of ICT engineers, researchers and lead users able to design more sustainable ICT applications and services. This is all the more important today, as industries require new ICT job profiles such as ‘Chief project officer in Green ICT’. The challenge for industry is to identify the opportunity to embed environmental issues early in the design of ICT applications and services.
To achieve that goal, GENIAL brings together a multidisciplinary EU consortium based in three public Universities sharing high education and research expertise in: (i) green networking (University of Lorraine, France); (ii) green ICT (Leeds Beckett University, UK); and (iii) cloud computing (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden). With these three full partners, 30 associated partners (public and private organizations, including 2 EU providers) are committed to engage with the GENIAL initiative, for example by co-supervising students during their Master thesis. The consortium as a whole represents industrial leadership in ICT, valuing recent research, future technologies, new standards and best practices in the networking and cloud computing areas.

Students start the first semester at University of Lorraine (France) to acquire competences in (green) networking, automation and virtualization in networks and eco-design. The second semester is organised by Leeds Beckett University (UK) delivering lectures in green ICT, software engineering, data science and smart building. The third semester is managed by Luleå University of Technology (Sweden) with courses on 4/5G communications, cloud computing and green datacentres. GENIAL graduates obtain three national masters diplomas: (i) Master in Complex Systems Engineering (France); (ii) Master in Sustainable Computing (UK); (iii) Master in Computer Science (Sweden); and a joint diploma supplement will be awarded.